
Monday, April 20, 2020

Term 2 Week 2 photos

The photos keep coming - thank you!!! Great reading and writing Sariyah! Shiza keeps working on her maths and doing some drawing and making cards too.  Is Blessing reading her learning pack? Shivani has made some potato lollipops. They look amazing. Gunnoor is working hard on her basic facts. Ziva-Snow has been making lunch and learning how to ride her bike. Gunnor has done some amazing art work with leaves and writeen autumn adjectives. Melina is really enjoying the packs and workbook sent out to her. Kirat is enjoying the pack too and is doing some fabulous maths as well. Parineeti is looking very proud of the maths that she has done. Siddharth has made some amazing things. Both he and Shivani have also been working on maths.

I'm so proud of you all!


  1. Wonderful work everyone. I am so pleased that you are enjoying your Home Learning.

  2. Shivani can you please share your recipe? Your potato lollipops look delicious. Maria

  3. Soraya Landall Room 1April 21, 2020 at 9:59 PM

    Those potato lollipops look yummy, what a good chef you are Shivani.

  4. Hi Room 14 children
    YOU are amazing. I can see you are all finding creative ways to learn at home. It looks like there is some fantastic maths happening in your school books and the kitchen!
