
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Life Education with Michelle and Harold the Giraffe

Room 24 went to their life education session on Tuesday.  We learnt and talked about empathy and what being a friend means.  We also had fun playing some games.

Buddy Class Term 2

We've had good fun with our buddy class in Term 2.  We have been finding out about their holiday, reading with them, learning about forces and teaching them how to play Room 24's favourite outside game Great Wall of China.

Here are some photos from the holiday activity.  We had to find out what the class had been doing and make a bar graph to show the different activities and how many people had done each activity.

Garden to Table

Room 24 are excited to be having Garden to Table this Term.  We have been preparing and eating some delicious food prepared by the class and learning lots about gardening.  Last week we were lucky enough to harvest some kumara from the garden.

Our Focus at Owairaka for Weeks 3 & 4

Our focus is:

Science in a Van

We were lucky to have Science in a Van kick start our Science learning for Term 2.   Allen and Emily taught us about the periodic table, how atoms work and all about Solids, Liquids and Gas. Here are a few photos from the show.